Mobile Payment Processing

These days, anything that is ‘mobile’ is in demand. The unparalleled convenience mobile technology offers is desired by both homeowners and business owners alike. Business owners specifically have been craving mobile payment processing due to the utmost flexibility the contactless payments offer its users. 

If you own a business and want to keep several payment options available to your customers to boost sales and make processing payments simpler for you, then read on to know what mobile payment processing is all about and how it works. 

If you want to adopt this facility for your establishment but don’t know how to begin, contact the Cash Discount Program. We strive to ensure that none of our clients are forced to pay any hefty customary transaction fees while processing credit cards payments.

Mobile Payment Processing

What is Mobile Payment Processing?

Mobile payments processing is an umbrella concept that includes several different kinds of pay, primarily via a mobile device. In a nutshell, it refers to the monetary payment initiated for a specific good or service through an electronic device, usually a mobile phone. 

We’re sure you’re not unfamiliar with certain shoppers whipping out their mobile device to make contactless payments; that’s what mobile payment processing is all about. Some of the most common types of mobile payments are as follows –

In-store mobile payments

When a customer pays to you using their mobile phone at the storefront through a medium like Apple Pay, it refers to in-store mobile payments. It is one of the quickest ways to accept payments from customers. There are several other platforms similar to Apple Pay that support this facility. 

Mobile payment solutions

Usually, when people say “mobile payments processing,” this is what they mean. In mobile credit card processing, a mobile credit card reader is used as a POS system to make payments using the credit or debit card on the mobile phone or a computer. We would primarily focus on this aspect of mobile credit card processing in the article. 


In eCommerce, customers buy products from the company’s website or mobile app and make payments online. The payments are usually made via the mobile app of the company. 

P2P mobile

P2P or peer-to-peer transfers occur on platforms like Google Wallet and Venmo and are used to send money to friends and family members. These transfers usually do not involve any additional charges. 

What Are The Benefits Of Mobile Payment Solutions? can provide your business with the ability to accept credit card payments anywhere there is either Wi-Fi or Cellular service. We provide a Merchant Account and wireless equipment or an app that works on your smartphone. 

Accept Payments Anywhere 

With mobile payment processing, you’d get a merchant account, which refers to the separate bank account of a business. All the business payments of your firm will be received in this bank account, whether the customer pays via credit or debit card. 

There are two kinds of merchant accounts to choose from: aggregated and dedicated merchant accounts. The key differences between the two lie in the types of cards you will be able to accept and the fees you would have to pay. 

If you have a dedicated account, you would be able to enjoy several privileges, including being the sole owner of the mobile payments the account receives, unlike in the case of an aggregated merchant account.

Data Security Is Ensured

In this day and age of frequent data breaches, it’s important to ensure that under no circumstance are the personal information and data of your customers compromised, and how can you guarantee that? By adopting secure modes of mobile credit card processing and mobile payments. Before you collaborate with a provider, make sure that their policies are compliant with PCI requirements.


If you require mobile payment processing solutions or want to gather more information on how mobile device payment processing works, then call today. We are one of the leading credit card processing providers in the United States and have helped many types of businesses accept credit cards without paying merchant fees.

We use our expertise in providing guidance and helping businesses eliminate additional fees associated with such services. Schedule a consultation with us today to get premium solutions for your business and stay ahead of the changing times with the help of our highly responsive and trained team.